Poppies for remembrance....Poppies Bleeding Hearts.This is the first oil painting I have done in about 8 yrs.It began as a picture of the Poppies growing against the sea wall, and as I worked on it, other ideas came in and it became quite an emotional work.It will be on display during NORTH EAST OPEN STUDIOS week from 9th to 17th September.I am not, however, in my own Studio this year but am sharing with 3 other Artists at Auchinblae.For details see www.northeastopenstudios.co.uk or pick up one of the booklets which have been distributed around Aberdeenshire and also in Montrose (Library & Museum and Wall Projects.) I apologise to you all for taking a year to update the BLOG!I have done a lot of posting on FACEBOOK which is another way to advertise whats on.I look forward to catching up with some of you during N.E.O.S. week.I will be there from 11 am to 5pm everyday excepting Monday 11th and Thursday 14th and on the days I am not there, some of the other artists will be.